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招募频道-正式服 2024-06-02
综合讨论-WLK 2024-06-02

[综合] 亚服申诉小文章(英文版),横线上自己根据情况填写

塞上云烟辣 显示全部楼层 发表于 2024-1-24 21:47:03
[tid=39092161]Topic[/tid] Dear Blizzard Customer Service,
I am _________(your account name), a World of Warcraft player on the Asia server. I was banned on ________(the date and time of your ban) for _____(the duration of your ban)for ______(the reason given by the Asian serv
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游戏乾坤 显示全部楼层 发表于 2024-1-24 22:05:00 |阅读模式 打印 上一主题 下一主题
Dear Blizzard Customer Service,
I am _________(your account name), a World of Warcraft player on the Asia server. I was banned on ________(the date and time of your ban) for _____(the duration of your ban)for ______(the reason given by the Asian server). I think this is unfair and unreasonable, because I did not do anything wrong or illegal in the game.
I did not use any illegal software or plug-ins, nor did I affect the game experience of other players.
I tried to appeal to the customer service staff of the Asian server, but they did not give me any explanation or opportunity to rectify, and they did not respond to me in time. I felt very frustrated and helpless, because I love this game very much, and I have invested a lot of time and money in it.
Therefore, I hope that you, the customer service  can help me with this issue. I hope you can review my account again, give me a detailed explanation, restore my account and game data, or give me a reasonable compensation. I have attached some files to prove that I am not a robot, but a normal player, such as my ID card, wcl, and Alipay consumption records. Please check them and verify my identity and situation.
I appreciate your time and attention, and I hope you can give me a fair and satisfactory reply as soon as possible. Thank you very much.


_______(your name)

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度素告 显示全部楼层 发表于 2024-1-24 22:24:47
[tid=39092161]Topic[/tid] Dear Blizzard Customer Service,
I am _________(your account name), a World of Warcraft player on the Asia server. I was banned on ________(the date and time of your ban) for _____(the duration of your ban)for ______(the reason given by the Asian serv
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